27 August 2010

An Inspiring Letter

Recently we received a letter from a very special person who not only performs an important function in the Donate Life world, but who is also about to become a living donor by giving a kidney to a complete stranger.  The letter was beautifully written, and the writer and I have since become good friends through the many letters that followed this one.  Kind enough to give me permission to reprint the letter here, this incredibly giving soul is helping us get the message out, and after reading, I hope you feel inspired to follow your hearts and to dare going after your own dreams...   Thank you to "L" for allowing me to share this with you:

Dear Ken and Jen.....

My name is L and I've been reading your blog for the past couple of
hours while watching a kidney that we recovered earlier today. Watching
a kidney means that it's on a machine to assess function.  I'm getting
ready to take it off the machine where it will make it's way to New York
in a couple of hours.

I am a Preservation Coordinator here at CDS which means that I go into
the OR and help surgeons recover organs, make sure they are packaged and
labelled correctly and then make sure they get to where they are going.
I've worked with CDS for the past 6 years and I have the best job in the
world.  The conduit between death and life.  It's humbling,
bittersweet....it's like nothing I can describe to anyone unless you've
lived it.  I'm also a cyclist.  I'm training for the Bridge to Bridge
Incredible Challenge, a 100 mile bike ride from Lenoir, NC to the top of
Grandfather Mountain.  They say it's one of the most challenging bike
rides in the country.  I told my girlfriend that I would do the best I
could do.  But now after reading your blog I have new inspiration, new
motivation and a new attitude on what it means to keep going.  Both
emotionally and physically.  I have never been personally touched by
organ donation. But this job reminds me of how precious life is and
because of that, I have decided to donate one of my kidneys to a
complete stranger.  It's what I feel I can do to help someone else
live the gift of life we all want to experience.

Thank you.

For what you are doing mile after mile.
For spreading the word about organ donation through your bikes, your
souls and your wisdom.
For sharing your daughter with me, for her life and for other's lives
you helped save.
For your amazing relationship with each other and the energy you
transmit from your blog.
For Simon and his sweet adorable face.
For giving me another reason to get back on the bike and train.
For so much I can't put into words at 0130 in the morning.

I hope to meet you two one of these days.  On the bike, hopefully.

Be safe out there, godspeed to you and your support crew.

Preservation Coordinator
Carolina Donor Services

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