22 February 2010

An Exciting Route!

Our third day in a row riding, today we went 46 miles.  It was a great confidence builder because our legs (and brains) felt really good!  We were starting to feel it a bit towards the end but still not bad at all considering how many miles we've gone the last few days.  Perhaps the most exciting part of today, though, was that we took the route we will be taking when we start The Just Be-Causes TerraTrike Tour!  Giddy and talkative we imagined what it will feel like when we are taking off on our big journey. We leave in 39 days, possibly less if Donate Life America is going to have an event for us in Richmond, VA on April 3rd.  There is talk of it, but no confirmation yet.  If that is confirmed, we have just 21 days until we leave!  HOLY CRAP!

1 comment:

  1. I am going to print this picture off and put on the fireplace mantle.
