01 June 2010

Missouri and an Illinois Mayor

While we were in Perryville at the campground with my parents we did a major overhaul of our stuff.  Ken made new our new "panniers for pennies" and I got a much needed new Camelback liner.  While we were in Chester (just across the river) we met with the Mayor and got some pictures taken with him for the local newspaper.
Mayor Joe Eggemeyer.

"Joey" was very easy to talk with and had also been touched by donation.  His sister was a donor.

We came back across the river and Ken to work on our new panniers:
The old ones had fallen apart.  But we don't think the new ones will!
They only cost $4.00 each, plus the bolts and screws.  WAY cheaper than regular panniers!  And they are waterproof, stack up instead of falling over, and they keep raccoons and other critters out of our food.  The top box holds a lot too and is velcro'd on which keeps everything really solid.  We also bungee them down just to be sure.
After we were all set to go again, Dad took us to St Joe's park where we spent part of the night listening to dirt bikes and 4-wheelers.  I actually took a nap during the day with all those things buzzing around. The Bonine we take for motion sickness works but it makes me crash hard.
Ken with his JRLiggetts soap.  :)
Our LOUD but nice and shady campsite.
After we left the park we went to eat at the "Lady Queene" and a gang of bikers surrounded us and then the police showed up!  LOL!

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